I Buoni per la Vita

The Buoni per la Vita line embodies the attention given by Gran Brianza to consumer health.

These light, digestible products aim at wellness and meet everyday customer’s nutritional needs.

Alongside the Turkey and Roast Chicken, the low-salt Cooked Ham, called GranForma, stands out.

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I Classici

The architecture of the Gran Brianza offering rests on a few fundamental pillars: Cooked Hams, Roasts and Mortadella, which have in common the quality of their raw materials and the meticulous care applied in each phase of the work cycle.

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I Nostrani

The Italia line consists of Cooked Hams, Roasts and Mortadella with a precise history: each and every product comes from farms located within the national boundaries.

The tradition and dedication that our company puts into all phases of the process mean that the best Italian meats reach the consumer’s table.

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I Biologici

The products of the Bio line come from organic livestock farming, where animals are raised and fed naturally in roomy, well-ventilated stalls allowing freedom of movement, and without the use of antibiotics.

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I Selezionati

Gran Brianza puts the emphasis on the distinctive values of genuineness and responsibility

We always keep the high quality standards of Italian culinary tradition.

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Prosciutto Cotto Perla Oro

Choice Cooked Ham

  • Gluten-free
  • No added polyphosphates
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Le certificazioni

Ensuring a high degree of safety of food products is ever more important. A traceability system is an essential tool in the agri-food chain … Read More

Un nuovo nome

In its thirty years of activity Brianza Salumi has built up a solid, reassuring reputation among its consumers and operators in the sector. Today, … Read More

Gran Brianza oggi

Gran Brianza is able to respond dynamically to the needs of the marketplace, adapting its rhythms and types of production to the specific requests, … Read More

I nostri valori

Gran Brianza products come from the artisanal tradition as a source of nutrition and life. The genuineness of the raw materials, monitored in every … Read More